Linq - Davis


Linq was prompted by the change in the way we work today. A collaborative chair designed to be used instantly with no need for adjustment, Linq represents ‘plug and play’ seating for collaborative area’s. Adaptive and reactive, a chair for every person in every office.

Linq — DAVIS

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“I wanted to make a chair that followed our natural movement, that articulated in an organic way and was made with the bare minimum of parts.”

Our working title ‘organic engineering’ aimed to create a chair that reacted to each sitter individually. The flexible material of the seat and back shell follows the bodies natural movement, whilst the geometry of this movement is controlled to adjust the tension of the backrest. This geometry is relative to each individual user thus eliminating the need for adjustment.


Linq adapts to each individual body form. Its tailored knit backrest has been developed to give zones of support and flexibility where needed, this reduces areas of concentrated pressure on the back and promotes good posture.

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produced by DAVIS