
Lightwork - Davis


The look of a chair you would have at home with the performance of a conference chair. This is where the project started.

Quite simply, people work better when they feel at home. This has given rise to a trend of using residential furniture in the workplace.

As typical residential furniture doesn’t have the needed ergonomics or durability and traditional conference chairs don’t give the desired ambience, a need for a chair like LightWork emerged in the market. LightWork creates a feeling of the home with the ergonomics of a conference chair.

LightWork — DAVIS

Chairs are being exchanged more and more and we wanted to make a chair that had the same level of ergonomics, no matter who sat in the chair.

Being able to recline allows us to shift our weight and
opens up our back that helps the blood flow and stops
the concentration of pressure points.

This combination promotes healthier sitting and allows us to feel more alert.


We built into LightWork a concealed mechanism that adjusts the tension of the backrest to the weight of each individual sitter.


I think the success of the chair is how well it hides all the precise engineering. It makes the chair work so well, while giving a light, cosy feeling and puts you in the right place to start your day.

I don’t think anyone will consciously think about what the chair is doing, it just feels right.

The look of the chair needed to make us feel instantly at home.

We enclosed the body to make us feel protected and safe as we are in our own personal space.

We wanted to add internal sitting elements, like loose cushions, to give the same cosy feeling you get in your own home. 

produced by DAVIS